Education for Solicitors
The Step by Step Guide to Making a Section 32 Application for a Person with Intellectual Disability
(pursuant to section 32 of the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990)
Criminal Law - CLE Points
The Step by Step Guide to making Section 32 (MHFPA) applications
The Step by Step Guide is a concise and practical guide for lawyers representing clients with intellectual disability in Section 32 applications in the NSW Local Courts
You can access the guide from -
This training is for solicitors who undertake criminal defence work in the local courts
The aim of this training is to provide:
- practical guidelines based on IDRS experience
- a forum for interaction between participants
- 2 hour workshops (2011-2012)
- in New South Wales
- how to identify and work effectively with a client with intellectual disability
- how to locate and work with disability and other necessary services
- how to prepare the application
- how to prepare persuasive submissions
Cost: free
For more information, please call the Intellectual Disability and Criminal Law Project Educator on (02) 9318 0144
Estate Planning
Wills and Trusts for Parents of a Person with Intellectual Disability
This training is for solicitors who wish to assist parents with estate planning for their children
The aim of this training is to enable solicitors to improve their knowledge in this area of law
- 2 hour workshop
- run by IDRS in conjunction with specialist private solicitors
Cost: Free
For more information, please call the IDRS Educator on (02) 9318 0144
CJSN Volunteer Solicitor Program
This training is for solicitors who wish to volunteer to provide after-hours legal advice to people with intellectual disability in police custody
- training conducted by IDRS Principal Solicitor and CJSN Manager
- 3 hour training session
- Training is after hours (refreshments provided)
Cost; Free
Please click on the link to read more about the CJSN Volunteer Solicitor Program
You can register for future training sessions by contacting the IDRS Principal Solicitor on (02) 9318 0144