Other Disability Services
Below are some of the disability services operating in NSW. We will add more links in the future.
Please contact us via email- info[at]idrs[dot]org[dot]au, if you like to have your NSW based disability service listed below.
Ability Options
Services: Employment, self managed, supported living, case management, community access and respite services
Service area: State-wide with multiple locations around NSW.
Website and contact details:
Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres
Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres are information centres for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services.
Centres provide free and confidential information on community aged care, disability and other support services available locally, interstate or anywhere within Australia.
Free call 1800 052 222
For emergency respite support outside standard business hours (Freecall) 1800 059 059
To find a centre in NSW, please visit: Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres in NSW
To call through the National Relay Service using their modem or TTY dial 1800 555 677 and then ask for Freecall 1800 052 222
Speech-to-Speech Relay, dial 1800 555 727 and then ask for Freecall 1800 052 222
Down Syndrome NSW
Down Syndrome NSW provides support and information to people with Down syndrome and their families, service providers and the wider community.
Call 02 9841 4444
Email: admin[at]dsansw[dot]org[dot]au
National Disability Services (NDS)
NDS is the national industry association for disability service, is the Australian peak body for non-government disability services.
You can find disability services best suited for your needs by visiting the NDS website's NSW services web-links.
Website and links to NSW disability services: