Legal help

Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) Limited.
Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community with legal services.
If you need a lawyer, call 02 8303 6600
For care and protection services, call 02 8836 3444
For the prisoner and family support unit, call 1800 826 966
For employment and volunteering, call 02 8303 6600
Email: info[at]alsnswact[dot]org[dot]au
Website: www.alsnswact.org.au
Services provided: Referral to other support services, criminal law matters (representation in court, advice and information); children's care and protection (representation in court, advice and information); prisoner support while inside and support when people are leaving prison.

Community Legal Centres in NSW
There are about 40 accredited community legal centres in NSW offering free legal advice and other services.
The link below provides the list of community legal centrest in NSW. It is maintained by the peak body for CLCs in NSW, Community Legal Centres NSW Inc. (CLCNSW) and it's an easy way to find a community legal centre close tpo where you are.
Community Legal Centres in NSW
Australian Centre for Disability Law
(Formerly known as the Disability Discrimination Legal Centre (DDLC) )
The Australian Centre for Disability Law provides legal advice and casework services to individuals in NSW making a complaint of disability discrimination.
Call (02) 8014 7000
TTY (02) 9211 5549
Free call (NSW only)1800 800 708
Fax (02) 9211 5518
Email (advice): adviceline[at]disabilitylaw[dot]org[dot]au
Email (for non-advice email): info[at]disabilitylaw[dot]org[dot]au
Website: http://ddlcnsw.org.au

Law access
LawAccess NSW is a free government telephone service that provides legal information, referrals and in some cases, advice for people who have a legal problem in NSW.
Call 1300 888 529
Law Access NSW
Services provided: legal information over the telephone, written information, referrals to other legal or related services that may be able to help, for example, to get face-to-face legal advice; in some cases, arrange for one of Law Access Lawyers to provide telephone legal advice.

Legal Aid Youth Hotline
The Legal Aid Youth Hotline is a legal advice line administered by Legal Aid NSW.
Staffed by qualified and experienced criminal lawyers with expertise in the Young Offenders Act, Legal Aid Youth Hotline provides advice to young people who have committed, or are suspected of committing, a criminal offence.
Under the Young Offenders Act, young people have the right to this advice before they make an admission or a statement to the police.

The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre
The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre is a free legal service for homeless and disadvantaged young people aged 25 and under.
Call (02) 9322 4808
Email: shopfront[at]freehills[dot]com
Website: www.theshopfront.org