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Useful contacts and links

Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS)

Telephone- 02 9318 0144

Free call- 1800 666 611

Fax- 02 9318 2887



Postal Address-
PO Box 3347,
Redfern NSW 2016

Community legal centre in NSW, working with people with an intellectual disability to exercise and advance their rights.

    Services provided:
  • Legal advice to people with intellectual disability and their associates
  • Legal representation in select legal matters
  • 9:00am - 10:00pm, 7 days a week, legal advice for people with intellectual disability who have been arrested
  • Advice and assistance to legal representatives of people with intellectual disability in relation to the preparation of s 32 applications
  • Policy and law reform
  • Education; information, training and resources
  • Criminal Justice Support Network (CJSN) see below

Criminal Justice Support Network (CJSN)

Sydney- 02 9318 0144
Newcastle- 02 4926 5643
Wollongong- 02 4228 4040
Other regional NSW- 02 9318 0144

After hours- 1300 665 908
9:00am - 10:00pm, 7 days a week service for support persons and legal advice for people with intellectual disability under arrest

Fax- 02 9318 2887


Postal Address-
PO Box 3347,
Redfern NSW 2016

CJSN is a service of IDRS that provides trained volunteer support persons for people with an intellectual disability at police stations, at court and at legal appointments.

CJSN operates a 24hour contact line for people with intellectual disability who are in police custody and require a support person and/or legal advice.

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