A Step-By-Step Guide to Section 32 Applications
A project of the Intellectual Disability Rights Service
Disability advocacy service and community legal centre in NSW, working with people with intellectual disability to exercise and advance their rights.
Telephone- 02 9318 0144
Free call- 1800 666 611
Fax- 02 9318 2887
Email- info[at]idrs[dot]org[dot]au
Website- www.idrs.org.au
Postal Address-
PO Box 3347,
Redfern NSW 2016
CJSN is a service of IDRS that provides trained volunteer support persons for people with an intellectual disability at police stations, at court and at legal appointments.
Sydney- 02 9318 0144 Newcastle- 02 4926 5643 Wollongong- 02 4228 4040 Other regional- NSW 02 9318 0144
After hours- 1300 665 908
9:00am - 10:00pm, 7 days a week service to get support and legal advice for people with intellectual disability under arrest
Fax- 02 9318 2887
Email- cjsn[at]idrs[dot]org[dot]au
Postal Address-
PO Box 3347,
Redfern NSW 2016