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S32 Step By Step Guide

Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC)

ADHC is an agency of the Department of Family and Community Services. It is the primary provider of services for people with intellectual disability in NSW.

    ADHC services include:
  • case management
  • behaviour intervention services
  • accommodation services and assessment

ADHC also funds non-government organisations providing a similar range of disability services.

Some people with intellectual disability who are deemed to be ineligible for direct ADHC services may be eligible for services from non-government disability services funded by ADHC. ADHC should provide information about these.

ADHC is important to people with intellectual disability in the criminal justice system because it can provide services. ADHC also has staff who specialise in analysing challenging behaviour and developing strategies for assisting people with intellectual disability to move towards more positive behaviour.

ADHC or ADHC-funded non-government services are important providers of support plans for people with intellectual disability who have been charged with criminal offences. In most cases, a court will require a support plan (also referred to as a treatment plan) before exercising its discretion to deal with a matter pursuant to section 32.

See also

JS support persons at police stationsInitial Considerations

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