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S32 Step By Step Guide

Selecting a psychologist

Identifying a psychologist to conduct an assessment

The Australian Psychological Society website at provides a database of qualified psychologists by location and specialities.

Ensure that the psychologist has experience asssessing people with intellectual disability before engaging them. This is particularly important if you also want the psychologist to provide advice about appropriate treatment/support to assist your client.

You can contact Intellectual Disability Rights ServiceIntellectual Disability Rights Service
Telephone: (02) 9318 0144
Fax: (02) 9318 2887
to get names of psychologists that our service has engaged for this purpose in the past.

Also ensure that the psychologist will assess the person's adaptive functioning as well as their intellectual function. Tests commonly used to assess adaptive functioning are the Vineland Adaptive Functioning Scale, the SIB-RScales of Independent Behavior – Revised (SIB-R)
or ABAS-IIAdaptive Behavior Assessment System-II.

If you are considering referring your client to ADHCAgeing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC)
ADHC is the main agency that provides services to people with intellectual disability in NSW.
ADHC Contact details:
, it is best to request that the psychologist assess your client's intellectual function using the WAIS-IIIWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition. Less extensive assessments such as the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT2) will usually be acceptable to the court to establish intellectual disability but may not be sufficient for ADHCAgeing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC)
ADHC is the main agency that provides services to people with intellectual disability in NSW.
ADHC Contact details:
referral processes.

Some disability services have psychologists who will provide expert assessment of intellectual disability and a support plan on a fee for service basis.

Referral Letters

Your referral letter must clearly indicate to the assessor what you need

Sample letter to a psychologist

Arranging and funding an assessmentGetting disability services

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